Europeans Told to Stockpile Food in Case of War With Russia
People living in the European Union should stockpile emergency supplies in the event of war breaking out or another major emergency, a new report has advised.
The report on Europe's civilian and military preparedness, published on Wednesday, was written by former Finnish President Sauli Niinistö in his capacity as Special Adviser to the President of the European Commission.
The report notes that the EU was not prepared for either the COVID-19 pandemic or Russia's aggression against Ukraine, and that it needs to move "from reaction to proactive preparedness."
As part of this strategy, the EU should advise households to be prepared to be self-sufficient for a minimum of 72 hours in the event of an emergency, the report says.
It advises member states to provide its citizens with guidelines on stockpiling, evacuations, and how to access emergency services, among other things.
A survey cited in the report outlines various essential supplies for households to have in case of an emergency, including stockpiles of food, drinks and medicine, a flashlight and battery-powered radio.
The advice aims to prepare EU citizens for emergencies ranging from another pandemic to extreme weather or armed aggression.
The COVID-19 pandemic prompted people around the world to suddenly start buying up goods to stockpile, leading to shortages of certain items.
Европейцам сказали запастись продовольствием в случае войны с Россией
Люди, живущие в Европейском Союзе, должны запастись запасами на случай войны или другой крупной чрезвычайной ситуации, говорится в новом докладе.
Доклад о гражданской и военной готовности Европы, опубликованный в среду, был написан бывшим президентом Финляндии Саули Ниинистё в качестве специального советника президента Европейской комиссии.
В докладе отмечается, что ЕС не был готов ни к пандемии COVID-19, ни к агрессии России против Украины, и что ему необходимо перейти «от реакции к проактивной готовности».
В рамках этой стратегии ЕС должен посоветовать домохозяйствам быть готовыми к самодостаточности в течение как минимум 72 часов в случае чрезвычайной ситуации, говорится в докладе.
Europeans Told to Stockpile Food in Case of War With Russia